viernes, 8 de febrero de 2013

George Washington

George Washington was born in 1732 in the colony of Virginia. He was a boy well teach by his parent on how to be loyal and have a great knowledge in what he desires to do.  He got interest in the military arts and the western expansions. At the age of 16 he help on the survey of Shenandoah lands for Tomas, of lord Fairfax. He also attended to the French and Indian war and fought with his first skirmishes. 

By 1775 the colonies of america place a third congress after two congress like the stamp act congress and the first continental congress. This congress was called the second continental congress. Volunteer form the colonies went to the this congress to serve. George Washington became the first commoner of this congress military that they made. It was determinate to George Washington to be there for he knew the strategies of the British and also The indian war strategy. 

This congress was stablished in Massachusetts at Cambridge. The troop were dress as blue suits, for distinguishing the British who were wearing red. This war lasted six years.  He after the Declaration of Independence he became to be the first president of United States of America. By the year of 1799 he died by a throat infection. He is still an example for people around United States, and will be for the ones in coming years.

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